No, not a cruise in search of newts, whales and dolphins (how esoteric would that be?) but a Whale, Dolphin and Birdwatching Cruise from Seahouses at 10:00 tomorrow (Saturday 12th September). Organised by Northern Experience Wildlife Tours in association with Billy Shiel MBE, we will sail into the offshore waters of North Northumberland in search of cetaceans and seabirds.
Places are selling well, but there are still some remaining (£30/adult, £20/child) so call Martin on 01670 827465 to book your place.
With Minke Whale, White-beaked Dolphin and Harbour Porpoise all real possibilities it's one not to miss.
Weather will be glorious, winds will be light, and things are looking promising...
Delightful drizzle; Otter mini-Safari 01/04/2024
10 months ago
I like your blog and I respect and admire your disciplined, factual efforts on behalf of whales and dolphins. However, I submit that heightened public interest and concern can be achieved by blending scientific fact with speculative fiction. Please visit my website or read my blog